Monday, 21 March 2011

21st March 2011

On Friday Lexi was supposed to have a urodynamic done at her hospital, i was very nervous about the invasive procedure but was hoping it was going to give us some more answers, that is the main problem with our situation is that we are always stuck in limbo with one thing or another, always waiting further investigations and of course doctors cannot say what will happen in the future.

They say that the lipoma is extensive and so is over 50% likely to have walking problems but that we are just to keep an eye on it! so apart from the torturing experience of watching the likely hood of our daughter starting to loose her abilities we have the other ongoing problems that arise on a day to day basis, namely her urine infections, is it a sign that things are already starting to degrade? that is what Friday was supposed to enlighten us about.

We were all ready to begin the procedure when in the true style they found something else wrong and were unable to go ahead, Lexi had fused labia which make it impossible for catheters to be inserted, an estrogen cream has to be applied but most probably she will have to have an operation, if so both this and the urodynamics will be carries out under a general.

Is this the thing that can also account for her urine infections we will have to wait at least another month to find out. In the meantime we are now looking to get her a new car seat that is especially made for her, as we have found out things like that do not come cheap so help us in anyway you can by clicking on the links around to help monetise her account.

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